Organizational Members

About ACTFL Organizational Membership

Organizational membership is available for national, regional, and local nonprofit associations serving the language community. For-profit organizations, schools, universities, and institutions are not eligible for organizational membership at this time.

Interested in joining ACTFL as an Organizational Member?

Please fill out and return the fillable PDF and payment to ACTFL Membership at Organizational members receive the following benefits:

  • One subscription to each of The Language Educator magazine and the Foreign Language Annals journal
  • Access to ACTFL publications at member-discounted rates
  • The privilege to nominate members for the ACTFL Board of Directors
  • The privilege to nominate candidates for the ACTFL Awards
  • Participation in the Assembly of Delegates at Annual Convention, which allows your organization to help shape and set the national agenda for language education across the country
  • Input on ACTFL position statements

List of ACTFL Organizational Members

The following organizations are members in good standing.